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Terms of Use

RSM UK Alumni Network portal user terms

These Portal User Terms of Use (these “Portal User Terms”) govern your access to and use of our Alumni Portal. They should be read and applied alongside our RSM UK Alumni Network Privacy Policy

When used in these Portal User Terms, “we” “us” and “our” refers to RSM UK Holdings Limited and its affiliates (“RSM UK”). “You” and “your” refers to you as the user of the Alumni Portal.

By signing into the Alumni Portal, you indicate that you accept these Portal User Terms and that you agree to abide by them. If you do not agree to these Portal User Terms, you should refrain from using the Alumni Portal.

1        Definitions

          The following expressions have the following meanings:                                                   

“Alumni Portal”  the virtual facility (whether a portal or platform) currently primarily designed as a mechanism for us to provide, or request, and you to consume or request, information relating to the RSM UK alumni network as well as for related interactions between you and us or between you and other users; 

“Alumni Portal Provider”  the relevant provider of the Alumni Portal, whether RSM UK and/or a third party (currently EnterpriseJungle, Inc. provides part of the Alumni Portal); 

“Destructive Elements” any software programme or code intended to destroy, interfere with, corrupt or have a disruptive effect on programme files, data or other information, executable code or application software macros;

“Documentation”  any user guide documentation in relation to the Alumni Portal supplied or made available to you by us, whether in printed or electronic form and as amended, modified or replaced from time to time; and

“Information”   all documents, information and assistance, including personal data.

2        Your Obligations

You shall: 

2.1       comply with these Portal User Terms;

2.2       not upload to the Alumni Portal any Information that is unlawful or could be reasonably viewed as false or misleading, offensive, indecent, libellous, defamatory or obscene or that contains any Destructive Elements; 

2.3       accept that any information uploaded to the Alumni Portal may be visible to other users of the Alumni Portal. As such any information uploaded must be non-confidential and non-proprietary. The exception to this is contact information contained within a user’s profile whereby the degree of visibility to other users can be modified by the user. 

2.4       follow all reasonable instructions given from time to time by us regarding the use of the Alumni Portal and any Applicable Third-Party Portal, and respond promptly to any queries or reasonable requests from us in connection with the Alumni Portal.

2.5       ensure that any provision of Information by you on the Alumni Portal is in accordance with all applicable laws and regulations;

2.6       not, nor attempt to, alter or modify any part of the Alumni Portal or any Documentation in any way nor decompile, disassemble, reproduce or reverse engineer the Alumni Portal, combine the Alumni Portal with any other software programme or make any attempt to unlock or bypass any initialisation system or encryption technique utilised by the Alumni Portal; 

2.7       not, nor attempt to, alter, remove or obscure any product identification, proprietary legend, copyright, trademark, service mark, or other notices contained in or on the Alumni Portal.

2.8       not use the Alumni Portal intentionally to develop a product that is competitive with the Alumni Portal;

2.9       promptly notify us of any issues with the Alumni Portal;

2.10     not use the Alumni Portal as a sole or permanent depository for any Information;

2.11     not harass, intimidate, or threaten (i) any of our employees or other representatives es or agents engaged in providing any portion of the Alumni Portal to you, or (ii) other Alumni Portal users;

2.12     be solely responsible for what you submit to the Alumni Portal;

2.13     not use the Alumni Portal to advertise or sell any goods or services to other users, except as expressly permitted on any part of the Alumni Portal or any Applicable Third-Party Portal or by us in writing;

2.14     not publish any information or personal data in relation to any third party on the Alumni Portal without their express prior consent; and

2.15     notify us in accordance with these Portal User Terms immediately upon becoming aware of any breach of the above obligations

3        Intellectual Property

3.1       There shall be no transfer or assignment of any intellectual property rights concerning the Alumni Portal by virtue of these Portal User Terms other than the right to use the Alumni Portal in accordance with these Portal User Terms. All intellectual property rights relating to the Alumni Portal are owned by us or one of our licensors (i.e. in particular the Alumni Portal Provider). 

3.2       You hereby grant our licensors a licence to use, copy, transmit and store your Information for the purposes of enabling access and use of the Alumni Portal.

3.3       RSM UK is required to (i) cooperate with each of their licensors and assist in protecting that licensor’s intellectual property from infringement or misappropriation by third parties, and (ii) notify that licensor of any act of which RSM UK becomes aware that might constitute an infringement of that licensor’s intellectual property rights; and

3.4       In the event that you provide any feedback, suggestions, ideas or identification of problems or deficiencies and possible remedies therefor (collectively, “Feedback”) with respect to any element of the Alumni Portal, you grant RSM UK and, if relevant, the applicable third party licensor a worldwide, non-exclusive, royalty-free, non-terminable licence to use such Feedback in any way, including but not limited to incorporating it into existing or future products.

4        Notices 

4.1       Any notice from us to you regarding these Portal User Terms may be made by any of the following methods: (i) a general posting or notice to users on the Alumni Portal; (ii) any communicative function available through your account, or (iii) the email address associated with your account, which you are responsible for keeping current and accurate;

4.2       Any notice from you to us regarding these Portal User Terms must be sent to us at

5        Our liability and basis of provision

5.1     You accept that:

5.1.1    Use of the Alumni Portal is subject to the risks inherent in any connection and transmission on the internet, in particular in relation to security risks and vulnerabilities, technical performance and risk of interruption; and

5.1.2    To the maximum extent allowed by applicable law (including consumer protection law) the Alumni Portal, including any materials we provide on them, is provided by us to you on an “as is” and “as available” basis, without any guarantees, conditions or warranties as to its security, availability, completeness or accuracy. 

5.1.3    Nothing in the Alumni Portal or the documents available through it constitutes accounting, tax or other professional advice. You should not rely on any information contained in them in any way. 

5.2     To the maximum extent permitted by law (including consumer protection law), our aggregate liability to you under or in connection with these Portal User Terms (including our provision of the Alumni Portal) shall not exceed £50,000 (fifty thousand). 

5.3     A person who is not a party to these Portal User Terms may not enforce any of the terms under the Contracts (Rights of Third Parties) Act 1999.

6          Suspension or termination

If you do not comply with these Portal User Terms (or if we have reasonable grounds to suspect non-compliance or we are investigating suspected non-compliance), we may suspend or terminate your access to the Alumni Portal or take any other steps we consider appropriate.

7          User registration

You will be required to register with the Alumni Portal. You agree to keep your password confidential and will be responsible for all use of your account and password. We reserve the right to remove, reclaim, or change a username you select if we determine, in our sole discretion, that such username is inappropriate, obscene, or otherwise objectionable. We reserve the right to reset a password.

If you know or suspect that an unauthorised person knows your password or passwords you will promptly notify us by email at In that event, we will cancel your existing password(s) and allocate you a new password(s).

8          Cancellation

You can cancel your registration at any time by logging into your account. Your cancellation will take effect immediately.

9          Other websites 

You may be able to obtain access to websites operated by third parties from the Alumni Portal. We do not endorse those other websites nor do we accept any responsibility for any damage or loss you may suffer arising out of access to those websites, including, but not limited to, damage or loss arising from your use of documents, information or services offered or provided on those websites. Any such links are not monitored or maintained by us nor are we responsible for the content of any third party website. Please read all copyright and legal notices on each site prior to downloading or printing items to ensure that such actions are permitted under the third party site's copyright notices, legal notices and or terms of use.

10        Jurisdiction

These Portal User Terms will be governed by and construed in accordance with English law, with the parties hereby submitting to the exclusive jurisdiction of the English courts. The parties each irrevocably waive any right to object to proceedings being brought in that jurisdiction or to claim that the proceedings have been brought in an inappropriate forum.

11        Revision of Portal User Terms

We may revise these Portal User Terms at any time in our sole discretion on 30 days’ notice (unless the changes are required by law), in accordance with the notice provisions of these Portal User Terms. If you do not agree with the revised Portal User Terms, then you must not use the Alumni Portal as you will be bound by them if you continue to use our Alumni Portal.